Date Posted: Apr 26, 2012

Deposit and Fixed Income Report Spring 2012
Welcome to the Spring 2012 Deposit and Fixed Income Advisory Service (DFIAS) , Investor Economics’ research covering deposits, guaranteed interest annuities, fixed income securities, fixed income investment funds, and market‐ linked notes.
In addition to the pre‐release issued in mid‐April, the current installment contains the investment fund, linked notes and provincial sections of DFIAS. The customized section, which tracks the evolution of your organization’s market share across products and regions, will be sent separately in the near future.
In reviewing the report, readers will notice that we have introduced a number of refinements and enhancements to the structure, flow and presentation of the material. The aim of these modifications is to document the development of this market in a clearer and more compelling way. It is in this spirit that readers will find a new dedicated section on the Registered Market in this issue.
We remind our readers that this report is only the first part of the service proposition attached to the Deposit and Fixed Income Advisory Service (DFIAS). We encourage you to reach out to our team of experts who work on this research with your questions or requests for further information and to take advantage of customized presentations focusing on any of the multiple topics covered in this research.
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Deposit and Fixed Income Report Spring 2012report