Date Posted: Apr 10, 2011

Deposit and Fixed Income Report Spring 2011
Welcome to the Spring 2011 edition of the Deposit and Fixed Income Advisory Service (DFIAS), Investor Economics’research covering deposits, guaranteed interest annuities, fixedincome securities, fixed income investment funds, and principal‐protected notes.
As with previous editions, each individual section of the report looks in detail at the major trends underpinning the evolution of the different products populating the deposit and fixed income continuum. The sections consider the marketplace from a number of vantage points, including distribution channels, product structure, interest rate/pricing factors, term to maturity, liquidity, transactions, segmentation by account size, and provincial distribution. Each section begins with key takeaways, and exhibits are accompanied by commentary.
We conducted interviews with several companies in order to better understand how they see the marketplace and the challenges ahead. We thank all those who lent their time to this research. Their comments and perspectives are reflected throughout the report
CANNEX Financial Exchanges’data on fixed‐term deposit transaction activity metrics and pricing is also part of this research. Quarterly transactions by number, dollar volume, maturity and average account size present a powerful perspective on term deposit activity in the intermediated advicechannels.
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Deposit and Fixed Income Report Spring 2011report